Thursday, June 3, 2010


Well we have now had, or will have tomorrow, at least one doctors appointment every flipping day this week. Sigh. When I finally got home and sat down to work yesterday (after getting Briton to school, getting Evie and the dog out of the way so Will could work, picking Briton up mid day, taking him to the doctor then bringing him home because the doctor said he needed more rest which translated into wanting to be entertained) I almost choked when I realized that all the time I squeezed in working had just covered the cost of that days copays. Nothing to put toward our mortgage or our groceries or anything else. I've gone so long with Will making a decent, if not fantastic, living that always came every two weeks on the dot and with my little blogging job basically paying for all the crafty do-dads I like to buy, that it was a shock to think that every penny that goes out needs, right now, to come in from my work. Oh sure, I knew this before, but now it's real. And I'll admit it, a little bit scary.

Will and I have never had a lot of money. We made a decision early on to only ever live on one income. Which means that we never had to face the "I want to stay home but we can't afford it without two incomes" scenario. But it also means we've always been a little bit on the edge. So this is a big risk. We have savings, yes, but not a huge amount. If I think about it too hard I start to freak out, so I try to just keep going. Living in the moment, as they say. Enjoying the fact that I can slip out for a walk now or sit down to work without my daughter needing to be put in front of the TV. We're probably a little crazy, but, well, we always have been. I think the only reason that Will's parents havent given us a hard time about this decision is that he told them our back up plan was to move back to Ireland. Or France. Or Slovinia. And it is. Sell the house. Buy something small and for cash somewhere else and just do what we need to to get by. Not very realistic. But in a way it helps that the back up plan is the more insane of our two life paths.

I'm babbling now. Which is what happens when I cease to concentrate. Which means, probably, that I should sign off and get back to work. After all, have to pay for todays copay, dont I?

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